Welcome To Our Parish Website
Welcome to our parish website, serving Aslackby, Laughton and Graby. Our aim is to keep our community well-informed about our parish activities, services and events.
The next parish council meeting is on Monday 7th October, 7pm at the village hall. The first part of the meeting will be open to the public.
Update – Work on Trees Within Conservation Area
Update on Temple Farmhouse Planning Application
Planning Application – Temple Farm, Temple Road – Response Deadline 5th September
Our Community Blog
Let’s Clean Up Our Village: Call for Ideas and Volunteers
Aslackby Emergency Flood Defences
The Parish Council
Our Parish Council is made up of volunteers who act in the best interests of all the constituents of the parish.
Community News
This is where we’ll publish news and announcements that relate to the parish and consituents.
Local Events
If you have a local event you would like to feature on the website, please send us the relevant information and pictures.
Website Rules and Guidelines
Welcome to our community website. In order to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all users, we have established a set of website user rules and guidelines that you must adhere to when using our platform.
This website is run by village members. The aim is to keep our community well-informed about our parish activities, services and events. The website connects the parish council with residents, but it is not run by the parish council.