New Update on Temple Farmhouse Planning Application

Upon reviewing the planning application portal, it would appear that Conservation comments and advice from Historic England have resulted in the agent withdrawing the plans as they stand. However the Parish Council will remain vigilant as new, more detailed plans can be submitted in future.

You can use the links below to open SKDC’s withdrawal documentation.






The Parish Council has been notified of an updated Statement of Significance that has been lodged with SKDC Planning Department, regarding the Temple Farmhouse Planning Application – it is shown on the Documents drop down dated 3rd September 2024 from the SKDC website (see below).

The forms, plans and any other submitted documents can be viewed by clicking on the
following link, using the format S24/0709

Please note, any representations need to be made to SKDC, via their website, email, letter, or by adding your response using the form bewlow, by 30th September 2024.

The revised Statement of Significance relates to the interior and external structure of Temple Farmhouse alone. It makes no reference to the ground sited solar panels, as these are external to the Farmhouse building, though these are mentioned in the planning application.

There is reference in the Planning, Design and Access Statement document at para 12 that states: “the panels should be unobtrusive when both the barn and house are occupied as homes”. Once again, clearly indicating the further development applications likely to be brought forward on this site. N.B on the drop down of documents on SKDC site, this is called Planning Statement and is dated 4th August.

With regard to the Statement of Significance dated 3rd Sept, comment can be made on the lack of clear commentary on what elements of the interior and exterior should be preserved from a heritage perspective. There is no reference to the environs above or below ground, which could potentially contain significant mediaeval footings. There is concern that such remains could be disturbed whilst creating a channel to feed back the solar panel power to the main property, which would appear to run from the far side of the property all the way through the grounds to a point in the proposed extension for the external heat pump on the side of the house nearest to the road.

There is only reference to “disturbed ground” in the area of the proposed extension to house the new external heat pump and battery storage. The fact that this has been previously “disturbed” does not negate the fact that there may be elements of archaeological significance still in the area. It could be suggested that this be the subject of a full and detailed archaeological exploration.

Finally on S24/0709 there is a helpful objection letter from Historic England, also dated 3rd Sept.
We encourage you to read this.

It is worth acknowledging that you have seen the revised Statement of Significance and draw out any further reasons that you feel you wish to raise as objections in writing to SKDC.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Colin and Jo Marshall
    19 September 2024 5:19 PM

    There is only reference to “disturbed ground” in the area of the proposed extension to house external heat pump and battery storage. The fact that this has been previously “disturbed” does not negate the fact that there may be elements of archaeological significance still in the area. It could be suggested that this be the subject of a full and detailed archaeological exploration.

    Very concerned about the disturbance and destruction of probable historical artefacts and other historical effects that lie beneath the ground in the area related to in these plans with no thought to carrying out an archaeological dig in advance of any work. Why not?
    Heat pumps are proven not to work on ‘old’ properties, how will this and the solar panels be in keeping with the area and not be an eye sore?
    The revised statement is still not clear on some areas of the planned development – it seems that not all plans are being declared for some reason.


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